Easter brainteaser: Help Holly Day find the cheeky chick

Competitions, Easter, Family

Posted by Sam on 30th March 2020

Spring has most definitely sprung, and Holly Day is on an Easter break with her family in a fabulous family-friendly cottage in the countryside. As the sun is shining, Holly has decided to take a rural ramble to see how many spring delights she can spot from blooming flowers to newborn lambs. She’s also hoping to uncover some hidden treasures of nature too such as animal footprints and feathers whilst keeping an eye out for any hidden Easter eggs along the way.

On her natural treasure hunt through fields and woodland, her map has led her to a meadow. Here, she has come across a mother hen who has lost her chick. Can you help Holly search amongst the mountain of Easter eggs and flowers to find where that cheeky chick is hiding?

Here at holidaycottages.co.uk, we think this one is pretty tricky, so why not pit yourselves against your friends and family and set a timer to see which one of you can find our little bird the quickest? When you’re done, you could even set up your own fun Easter egg hunt around your house and garden to challenge your family. We’ve also written a little Easter hunt guide with some tips and clues that you can use to help you plan your Easter egg hunt and keep the whole family entertained this April, no matter where you are.

Spot the chick amongst the Easter eggs and flowers in our Easter brainteaser

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