Proud to be a part of the NHS Homes scheme

Charity and Sponsorship

Posted by Sam on 15th June 2020

2020 is turning out to be a year like no other and we are navigating circumstances never seen before. In these extraordinary times, it is crucial that we all do as much as we are able to help support the fight against coronavirus. That’s why at, we are proud to be working with our property owners to provide accommodation for NHS staff and frontline healthcare professionals.

We want to do all that we can to support the NHS staff who are putting themselves at risk in order to help us and the wider society get through this pandemic and so we have joined NHS Homes, a nationwide initiative specifically set up to offer available accommodation to NHS workers during the coronavirus outbreak. This website is managed by a London holiday agency, UnderTheDoormat and is supported by the Short Term Accommodation Association (STAA), who in turn are in regular contact with the government to ensure our help is being directed to the correct places and people.

Whilst holidays and travel are paused for the time being, an impressive 588 of our property owners are kindly gifting their properties free of charge to NHS key workers to assist them with housing whilst they self-isolate away from their families or require a home closer to their place of work. The properties are in locations across the UK and offer these key workers a chance to be readily available in this time of national crisis.

Being a part of this scheme is allowing us to play our part in this incredible initiative whilst assisting NHS workers and their families with a much-needed lifeline. We are delighted with the generosity of our owners – it is a truly fantastic gesture and we are extremely proud to be able to play our part.

Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information at the time of writing, please ensure you check carefully before making any decisions based on the contents within this article.