
All data was taken from IQ Air’s 2019 World Air Quality Report, for England, Wales and Scotland. The data from IQ air was provided per town, city, and village in England, Wales and Scotland. We focused on the areas that were ranked as meeting the WHO target, or as ‘good’ by WHO. We then filtered each of the best towns/cities/villages by region and submitted this data into the tool.

The air pollution level is ranked by PM2.5 (fine particulate matter) data as acquired from ground-based air quality monitoring stations with high data availability, and is in units of µg. The official ranking is as follows:
   • 0-10 µg: WHO target
   • 10-12 µg: Good
   • 12.1 – 35.4 µg: Moderate
   • 35.5 – 55.4 µg: Unhealthy for sensitive groups
   • 55.5 – 150.4 µg: Unhealthy
   • 150.5 to 250.4 µg: Very unhealthy
   • 250.5 µg +: Hazardous

Explore the best Air Pollution Rates in Your Region

Ever wondered which town, city or village has the best air pollution where you live? Clean air, or air which has low pollution levels, is vital for our health and wellbeing. And although humans have adapted well to living with air pollution, the cleaner the air, the better it is for us!

To see for yourself which areas have the best air pollution levels, just select the region closest to where you live in England, Scotland or Wales from the list below. Then we’ll show you the places that have the cleanest air in your area.

Start exploring the air pollution in your region below: